Local current time of Santiago del Estero
Santiago del Estero include 2 time zones
Mon, Dec 09th 2024
What is the time zone of Santiago del Estero, Argentina? The answer is America/Argentina/Catamarca.
The current time of Santiago del Estero, Argentina has a difference of -3 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of America/Argentina/Catamarca
Latitude: -28.46667
Longitude: -65.78334
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 06:18:33
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 13:15:59
Sunshine's hours
Mon, Dec 09th 2024
What is the time zone of Santiago del Estero, Argentina? The answer is America/Argentina/Cordoba.
The current time of Santiago del Estero, Argentina has a difference of -3 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of America/Argentina/Cordoba
Latitude: -31.4
Longitude: -64.18334
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 06:05:09
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 13:09:35
Sunshine's hours
*Sunrise and sunset times are calculated based on the geographic coordinates of the time zones of Santiago del Estero, Argentina in terms of latitude and longitude.