Accueil - North America - United States

Local current time of United States (US)

United States (US) include 29 time zones

United States

Here you will find the different time zones and current times of this country: United States, and this, from West to East.

Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Adak.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -10 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Adak

Latitude: 51.88
Longitude: -176.65806

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 09:44:48

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 13:56:47



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Nome.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -9 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Nome

Latitude: 64.50111
Longitude: -165.40639

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 11:27:05

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 14:11:46



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is Pacific/Honolulu.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -10 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of Pacific/Honolulu

Latitude: 21.30694
Longitude: -157.85834

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:11:25

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:41:34



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Anchorage.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -9 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Anchorage

Latitude: 61.21805
Longitude: -149.90028

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 09:52:46

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 13:09:44



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Yakutat.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -9 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Yakutat

Latitude: 59.54694
Longitude: -139.72723

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:59:18

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:29:02



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Sitka.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -9 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Sitka

Latitude: 57.17638
Longitude: -135.30195

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:26:11

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:11:19



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Juneau.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -9 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Juneau

Latitude: 58.30194
Longitude: -134.41973

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:29:38

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:07:48



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Metlakatla.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -9 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Metlakatla

Latitude: 55.12694
Longitude: -131.57639

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:59:55

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 11:56:25



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Los_Angeles.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -8 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Los_Angeles

Latitude: 34.05222
Longitude: -118.24278

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 06:57:36

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:03:04



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Boise.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -7 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Boise

Latitude: 43.61361
Longitude: -116.2025

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:13:47

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:54:55



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Phoenix.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -7 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Phoenix

Latitude: 33.44833
Longitude: -112.07334

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:31:36

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:38:23



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Denver.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -7 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Denver

Latitude: 39.73916
Longitude: -104.98417

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:18:10

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:10:02



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/North_Dakota/Beulah.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -6 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/North_Dakota/Beulah

Latitude: 47.26416
Longitude: -101.77778

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:27:46

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:57:12



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/North_Dakota/New_Salem.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -6 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/North_Dakota/New_Salem

Latitude: 46.845
Longitude: -101.41084

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:24:52

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:55:44



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/North_Dakota/Center.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -6 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/North_Dakota/Center

Latitude: 47.11638
Longitude: -101.29917

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:25:20

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:55:17



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Chicago.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -6 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Chicago

Latitude: 41.85
Longitude: -87.65

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:14:32

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:00:40



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Menominee.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -6 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Menominee

Latitude: 45.10777
Longitude: -87.61417

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:24:02

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:00:32



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Indiana/Vincennes.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Indiana/Vincennes

Latitude: 38.67722
Longitude: -87.52862

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:05:39

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 13:00:11



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Indiana/Petersburg.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Indiana/Petersburg

Latitude: 38.49194
Longitude: -87.27862

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:04:12

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:59:11



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Indiana/Tell_City.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -6 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Indiana/Tell_City

Latitude: 37.95305
Longitude: -86.76139

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:00:47

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 11:57:07



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Indiana/Knox.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -6 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Indiana/Knox

Latitude: 41.29583
Longitude: -86.625

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:08:55

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 11:56:34



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Indiana/Winamac.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Indiana/Winamac

Latitude: 41.05138
Longitude: -86.60306

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:08:09

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:56:29



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Indiana/Marengo.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Indiana/Marengo

Latitude: 38.37555
Longitude: -86.34473

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:00:10

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:55:27



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Indiana/Indianapolis.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Indiana/Indianapolis

Latitude: 39.76833
Longitude: -86.15806

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:02:58

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:54:42



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Kentucky/Louisville.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Kentucky/Louisville

Latitude: 38.25416
Longitude: -85.75945

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:57:32

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:53:07



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Indiana/Vevay.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Indiana/Vevay

Latitude: 38.74777
Longitude: -85.06723

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:56:00

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:50:20



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Kentucky/Monticello.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Kentucky/Monticello

Latitude: 36.82972
Longitude: -84.84917

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:50:25

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:49:28



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/Detroit.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Detroit

Latitude: 42.33138
Longitude: -83.04584

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:57:29

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:42:15



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of United States (US), North America? The answer is America/New_York.

The current time of United States (US), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/New_York

Latitude: 40.71416
Longitude: -74.00639

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:16:53

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:06:05



Sunshine's hours


*Sunrise and sunset times are calculated based on the geographic coordinates of the time zones of United States (US), North America in terms of latitude and longitude.