Accueil - North America - Canada

Local current time of Canada (CA)

Canada (CA) include 28 time zones


Here you will find the different time zones and current times of this country: Canada, and this, from West to East.

Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Dawson.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -8 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Dawson

Latitude: 64.06666
Longitude: -139.41667

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 10:38:17

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 13:27:47



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Whitehorse.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -8 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Whitehorse

Latitude: 60.71666
Longitude: -135.05001

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 09:49:24

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 13:10:19



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Inuvik.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -7 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Inuvik

Latitude: 68.34972
Longitude: -133.71667

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 12:25:09

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 14:04:59



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Vancouver.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -8 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Vancouver

Latitude: 49.26666
Longitude: -123.11667

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:00:17

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:22:34



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Fort_Nelson.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -7 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Fort_Nelson

Latitude: 58.8
Longitude: -122.7

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 09:46:06

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 13:20:54



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Dawson_Creek.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -7 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Dawson_Creek

Latitude: 59.76666
Longitude: -120.23334

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 09:43:00

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 13:11:02



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Creston.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -7 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Creston

Latitude: 49.1
Longitude: -116.51667

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:33:16

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:56:10



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Yellowknife.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -7 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Yellowknife

Latitude: 62.44999
Longitude: -114.35

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 09:41:36

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:47:30



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Edmonton.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -7 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Edmonton

Latitude: 53.55
Longitude: -113.46667

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:39:44

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:43:58



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Swift_Current.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -6 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Swift_Current

Latitude: 50.28333
Longitude: -107.83334

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 09:03:06

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 13:21:26



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Cambridge_Bay.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -7 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Cambridge_Bay

Latitude: 69.11388
Longitude: -105.05278

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 10:53:21

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:10:18



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Regina.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -6 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Regina

Latitude: 50.4
Longitude: -104.65001

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:50:51

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 13:08:41



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Winnipeg.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -6 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Winnipeg

Latitude: 49.88333
Longitude: -97.15001

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:18:50

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:38:41



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Resolute.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -6 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Resolute

Latitude: 74.69555
Longitude: -94.82917

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 18:00:00

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:29:24



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Rainy_River.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -6 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Rainy_River

Latitude: 48.71666
Longitude: -94.56667

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:04:06

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:28:21



Sunshine's hours


Thu, Jan 16th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Rankin_Inlet.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -6 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Rankin_Inlet

Latitude: 62.81666
Longitude: -92.08306

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 09:16:10

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:18:25



Sunshine's hours


Fri, Jan 17th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Atikokan.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Atikokan

Latitude: 48.75861
Longitude: -91.62167

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:51:39

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 13:16:53



Sunshine's hours


Fri, Jan 17th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Thunder_Bay.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Thunder_Bay

Latitude: 48.38333
Longitude: -89.25

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:40:49

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 13:07:24



Sunshine's hours


Fri, Jan 17th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Nipigon.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Nipigon

Latitude: 49.01666
Longitude: -88.26667

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:39:11

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 13:03:28



Sunshine's hours


Fri, Jan 17th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Toronto.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Toronto

Latitude: 43.65
Longitude: -79.38334

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:46:04

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:27:55



Sunshine's hours


Fri, Jan 17th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Iqaluit.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Iqaluit

Latitude: 63.73333
Longitude: -68.46667

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:48:54

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 11:44:15



Sunshine's hours


Fri, Jan 17th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Pangnirtung.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Pangnirtung

Latitude: 66.13333
Longitude: -65.73334

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 09:07:54

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 11:33:19



Sunshine's hours


Fri, Jan 17th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Moncton.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -4 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Moncton

Latitude: 46.1
Longitude: -64.78334

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:55:15

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:29:31



Sunshine's hours


Fri, Jan 17th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Halifax.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -4 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Halifax

Latitude: 44.65
Longitude: -63.6

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:45:57

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:24:46



Sunshine's hours


Fri, Jan 17th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Goose_Bay.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -4 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Goose_Bay

Latitude: 53.33333
Longitude: -60.41667

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 08:05:36

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:12:02



Sunshine's hours


Fri, Jan 17th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Glace_Bay.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -4 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Glace_Bay

Latitude: 46.19999
Longitude: -59.95

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:36:15

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:10:10



Sunshine's hours


Fri, Jan 17th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/Blanc-Sablon.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -4 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/Blanc-Sablon

Latitude: 51.41666
Longitude: -57.11667

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:44:02

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 11:58:50



Sunshine's hours


Fri, Jan 17th 2025

What is the time zone of Canada (CA), North America? The answer is America/St_Johns.

The current time of Canada (CA), North America has a difference of -3.5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.

Geographic coordinates of America/St_Johns

Latitude: 47.56666
Longitude: -52.71667

Sun relative's information

The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.


The sun will rise at 07:41:54

Solar noon

Sun will reach his highest point at 12:11:14



Sunshine's hours


*Sunrise and sunset times are calculated based on the geographic coordinates of the time zones of Canada (CA), North America in terms of latitude and longitude.