Local current time of Russia (RU)
Russia (RU) include 27 time zones
Here you will find the different time zones and current times of this country: Russia, and this, from West to East.
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Europe/Kaliningrad.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 2 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Europe/Kaliningrad
Latitude: 54.71666
Longitude: 20.5
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 08:50:48
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:31:12
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Europe/Simferopol.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 3 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Europe/Simferopol
Latitude: 44.94999
Longitude: 34.1
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 08:11:21
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:36:47
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Europe/Moscow.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 3 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Europe/Moscow
Latitude: 55.75583
Longitude: 37.61777
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 08:48:45
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:22:42
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Europe/Volgograd.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 3 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Europe/Volgograd
Latitude: 48.73333
Longitude: 44.41666
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 07:44:52
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 11:55:30
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Europe/Saratov.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 4 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Europe/Saratov
Latitude: 51.56666
Longitude: 46.03333
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 08:51:25
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:49:02
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Europe/Astrakhan.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 4 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Europe/Astrakhan
Latitude: 46.35
Longitude: 48.05
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 08:20:42
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:40:58
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Europe/Ulyanovsk.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 4 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Europe/Ulyanovsk
Latitude: 54.33333
Longitude: 48.4
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 08:56:50
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:39:34
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Europe/Kirov.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 3 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Europe/Kirov
Latitude: 58.6
Longitude: 49.65
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 08:21:08
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 11:34:33
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Europe/Samara.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 4 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Europe/Samara
Latitude: 53.19999
Longitude: 50.15
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 08:43:26
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:32:33
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Yekaterinburg.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 5 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Yekaterinburg
Latitude: 56.85
Longitude: 60.6
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 09:24:07
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:50:45
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Omsk.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 6 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Omsk
Latitude: 55
Longitude: 73.4
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 09:20:45
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:59:32
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Novosibirsk.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 7 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Novosibirsk
Latitude: 55.03333
Longitude: 82.91666
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 09:42:52
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 13:21:27
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Barnaul.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 7 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Barnaul
Latitude: 53.36666
Longitude: 83.75
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 09:29:51
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 13:18:07
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Tomsk.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 7 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Tomsk
Latitude: 56.5
Longitude: 84.96666
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 09:44:09
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 13:13:15
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Novokuznetsk.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 7 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Novokuznetsk
Latitude: 53.75
Longitude: 87.11666
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 09:18:30
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 13:04:39
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Krasnoyarsk.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 7 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Krasnoyarsk
Latitude: 56.01666
Longitude: 92.83333
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 09:09:25
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:41:46
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Irkutsk.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 8 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Irkutsk
Latitude: 52.26666
Longitude: 104.33333
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 09:01:35
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:55:45
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Chita.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 9 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Chita
Latitude: 52.05
Longitude: 113.46666
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 09:23:55
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 13:19:13
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Yakutsk.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 9 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Yakutsk
Latitude: 62
Longitude: 129.66666
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 09:33:25
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:14:23
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Vladivostok.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 10 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Vladivostok
Latitude: 43.16666
Longitude: 131.93333
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 08:33:35
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 13:05:19
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Khandyga.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 9 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Khandyga
Latitude: 62.65638
Longitude: 135.55388
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 09:17:44
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 11:50:50
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Sakhalin.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 11 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Sakhalin
Latitude: 46.96666
Longitude: 142.7
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 09:04:15
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 13:22:14
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Ust-Nera.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 10 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Ust-Nera
Latitude: 64.56027
Longitude: 143.22666
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 10:14:42
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:20:08
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Magadan.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 11 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Magadan
Latitude: 59.56666
Longitude: 150.8
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 09:44:20
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:49:50
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Srednekolymsk.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 11 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Srednekolymsk
Latitude: 67.46666
Longitude: 153.71666
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 11:52:07
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:38:09
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Kamchatka.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 12 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Kamchatka
Latitude: 53.01666
Longitude: 158.65
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 09:28:07
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 13:18:25
Sunshine's hours
Tue, Dec 10th 2024
What is the time zone of Russia (RU), Europe? The answer is Asia/Anadyr.
The current time of Russia (RU), Europe has a difference of 12 hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time zone (GMT) at a longitude of 0 degree.
Geographic coordinates of Asia/Anadyr
Latitude: 64.75
Longitude: 177.48333
Sun relative's information
The following informations are estimates of the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge or upper limb of the Sun circle. They are based on the sunrise and sunset of the time zone's geographical coordinates. As the land is not always regular, it's practically impossible to get the exact time of the viewer's sun vision.
The sun will rise at 10:00:46
Solar noon
Sun will reach his highest point at 12:03:04
Sunshine's hours
*Sunrise and sunset times are calculated based on the geographic coordinates of the time zones of Russia (RU), Europe in terms of latitude and longitude.